
Og Mandino "THE Twelfth Angel" Fawcett Columbine, NY, 1993. (邦訳:オグ・マンディーノ『十二番目の天使』求龍堂、2001年。

I read this book three times.
First I read in Japanese, when I was student of University.
Second I read in Japanese with my nephew. Kids version.
And third(this time),I read in English.

It's very nice and positive story.
Timothy says "Day by day in every way I'm getting better and better!" and "Never never never never never never give up!".
They are simple word but storng and full of energy in them.
Every time I read, I was impressed.

John was about to kill himself when his wife and son was gone.
At that time, old friend came John's home.
He gave an introduction to little league corch.
John met Timoty Noble at this team.

He is not good player.
He had have no hit(single or double or so) in every game.
But Timothy is very very positive.

I'm moved by this story.
I recommend this book everyone.